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MTK BootROM Bypass v1.1 Free Download

1 min read
In this article, we would like to share with you the latest tool from HUA Team for MTK BootRom Bypass with just one click. This tool supports all major CPUs running on the latest smartphones. With this tool, you can bypass BootROM CPU - MT6572, MT6580, MT6582, MT6735, MT6737, MT6739, MT6755, MT6757, MT6761, MT6763, MT6765, MT6768, MT6771, MT6785, MT6799, MT6873, MT8127, MT8163, MT8173 , MT8695.


Check Python Status / install or not the version check
Install Device Filter Drivers - One Click
Offline Authorized - No need for internet


1. Download the tool
2. Unzip
3. Turn off antivirus and firewall
4. Run MTK_Brom_Bypass.exe as Administrator
5. Implementation
6. Done



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