In this article, we will share with you the latest tools from MCT Team. MCT OFP Extractor allows users to extract content from OFP Firmware and Flash them using SP Flash or Qfil Tool. It's free, you just need to download and install it to be able to use it.
Support OPPO Firmware
Support Realme Firmware
Support Qualcomm Base Firmware
Support MediaTek Base Firmware
Choose your Desired location for Extract
No Need for activation
One-Click To Extract
No Need Installation
Portable Tool
All Extract Firmware is Flashable With another tool
1. Download the tool
2. Extract using WinRAR
3. Open the tool under Admin
4. Download the Firmware on the tool with the OFP Extension
5. Select Choose the location> need to extract the firmware
6. Scroll down and select EXTRACT
7. Wait and enjoy the results
File name: mct_ofp_extractor
Capacity: 14.41MB