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How to Use Odin to Flash Samsung Galaxy Stock Firmware

1 min read


- Driver: SAMSUNG_USB_Driver_for_Mobile_Phones.zip (15.3MB)
- Odin 3.13.1 or Odin 3.12.7


1. Power off the device, then hold down the Volume down + Home + Power key simultaneously for about 3-5 seconds.
2. Start the phone on Download Mode (the new device models have different structures, so the way to download Download Mode is also different).

- Method 1: Hold down Volume down + Home + Power key, then press Volume up if required
- Method 2: Hold down the Volume down + Power + BIXBY key
- Method 3: Hold down the Volume Down key Volume up the volume and steal the USB cable to the computer
- Method 4: Hold down the Volume down key + Home + Volume up
- Method 5 (Note 9): Hold down the Volume Down + BIXBY key and plug in the USB cable connected to the computer.

3. After following the steps on the machine will enter Download Mode as shown below.

Note: You can flash only with .tar or .tar.md5 files

4. ID: COM current blue port indicates Odin is connected to the phone
5. Select the AP or PDA (the old Odin) where the ROM has been found .tar.md5
6. Wait for Odin to load ROM. When Odin finishes loading, the message will appear in the picture.
7. Click Start to start the ROM upload process

Wait 5-10 minutes Odin reports PASS is a successful ROM upload, the phone will restart automatically

Tag: odin flash stock rom, samsung stock firmware, flash rom samsung note 4, flash via odin, flash binary samsung, samsung odin, flash samsung note 4, firmware android.

Good luck!

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