How to Flash Stock Rom via Odin
1 min read
1. Backup data (videos, photo, messages, contacts, ...)
2. Extract file Rom (zip, rar)
3. Install Samsung mobile driver: (15.3MB)
4. Download the latest Odin:
- Odin 3.13.1
- Odin 3.12.7
- Odin 3.12.3
- Odin 3.11.1
- Odin 3.10.7
- Odin 3.10.6
5. Extract the downloaded Odin file
6. Run the file Odinv3.12.7.exe
7. Start the phone to Download Mode (Currently the new phones have different keys structure, so the way to Download Mode is different)
- Method 1: Press and hold 3 Home + Power + Volume Down keys, then press Volume Up if it requires
- Method 2: Press and hold 3 keys POWER + VOLUME DOWN + BIXBY
- Method 3: Press and hold 2 VOLUME DOWN + VOLUME UP keys and plug in the USB cable connected to the computer
- Method 4: Press and hold 3 keys POWER + VOLUME DOWN + VOLUME UP
- Method 5 (Note9): Press and hold 2 VOLUME DOWN + BIXBY keys and plug in the USB cable connected to the computer
8. Connect your phone to the computer
9. Select the ROM file on Odin as follows: because the full file should have all 4 files
- Add the BL_xxx file to BL
- Add the AP_xxx file to AP
- Add the CP_xxx file to CP
- Add the CSC_xxx file to CSC
10. Select the PIT file: select the "Pit" tab, click "PIT" and select the * .pit file (Note: some new lines have integrated the PIT file into CSC, so skip this step)
11. Click Start and wait a few minutes until the PASS report is successful
Tag: odin flash stock rom, flash firmware, samsung stock firmware, flash via odin, odin root, odin 3.12 7.
Good luck!