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BlueStacks5RT v1.0.1 Free Download

1 min read
Hello, friends in this post I have the latest version of the BlueStacks5RT 1.0.1 tool is ready for all users. the tool is developed By XDA-Team, tool is very simple for all bluestacks users some steps follow, and root your Bluestacks in less than 3 minutes. all version of bluestacks is supported.


Program Dir
Data Dir
Lock Root
Unlock Root
Generate Direct Link

How To Use?

Follow the instructions below to get started:

Note: Before using this tool, disconnect any device connected to the ADB.

Start BlueStacks5RT.exe and click Lock or Unlock Root Button
Wait 3 minutes
All Done.

BlueStacks 5
NET Framework v4.0

Supported Versions
v5.0.0.7230 to v5.0.100.2106

Any suggestions/comments are welcome.

Chainfire - SuperSU

SHA256: B6025A0007C801C011B9A85DBAC6C546989BCD2A6ED74B7EFB3D4D66521A25E3



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