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Tiny ADB and Fastboot v1.1.5 Free Download

2 min read
Tiny ADB and Fastboot Tool is a small application for Windows Computer that allows you to install the latest version of ADB and Fastboot files on the computer without installing the entire Android SDK package. in this update latest fastboot.exe, and adb.exe added you can now run all the latest commands with help of this tool.



The Tiny ADB Fastboot Application’s overall size is around 3 MB only and allows you to quickly set up the ADB and Fastboot files on the computer. In comparison, the Android SDK package weighs more than 500 MB.


It comes as an installer package, which means you have to install the Tiny ADB Tool package on the computer to set up everything. Download and extract the computer package> Run the .exe file to Launch the Setup > follow the screen instructions to complete the setup.

Quick Installation:

As the Tiny ADB Fastboot installation package is hardly 2 MB, so it takes a few seconds to install on the computer. All you have to Click on the Next button post launching the Setup window to complete the installation process.


First, download the latest version from the below link
Once you have downloaded the Tool, Open the Tiny ADB and Fastboot.exe to launch the Setup 
Tiny ADB and Fastboot Setup
Once the Setup window is launched, Click on the I accept the agreement Checkbox and then Click on the Next button:
Tiny ADB & Fastboot Setup Terms
Click on the Next button:
ADB & Fastboot Setup Info
Click on the Next button (Optional: in this step, you can change the location of the installation):
Tiny ADB and Fastboot Setup Location
Click on the Next button (Optional: in this step, you can add the ADB & Fastboot to System Path Environment and Create the Desktop Shortcut of the tool):
Tiny ADB & Fastboot Setup Tasks
Click on the Install button:
ADB and Fastboot Setup Install
Once the installation process is completed, click on the Finish button to exit/close the setup window:
Tiny ADB & Fastboot Setup Finish
Congratulations! ADB and Fastboot files are now installed on the computer. You can find the shortcut of the tool in the Start Menu and on the Desktop of your Windows Computer.


1. Download Tiny_ADB_&_Fastboot_vXXX_Portable.zip
2. Extract the Zip Archive
3. Double click on Open CMD.bat
4. You should see a Command Window open, now you can use ADB and Fastboot Commands



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