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Infinity-Box [BEST] NK2 v1.20 Free Download

1 min read
In this post, I have the latest version of the crack tool Nokia Infinity best NK2 v1.20 tool. in the gsm industry is a very big crack for all Nokia MTK phones. he was a special design for all Nokia phones who was run on MTK Chipset. no tool present supports Nokia MTK Chip. he was a crack version and I have not tested it yet. I request you to download and please post your result in the comment box. if you face any error tell me in the comment box.

Infinity Nokia BEST2 v1.20 Setup File For your device for Flashing, Unlocking and Repairing. The Tools helps you to flash your Mediatek, BB5, Windows, MeeGo based Device and it supported the latest Smart Phone. We also share all kinds of latest Box setup file.


HMD Nk 220 4G (2019)
Nk 220 4G - TA-1148, TA-1155, TA-1171
- Identify, check securiy
- Reset Settings/Format FS
- Read UserCode
- Backup security

HMD Nk 2.3 Ironman
Nk 2.3 - TA-1206, TA-1209, TA-1211, TA-1214
- Identify
- Flash Firmware
- Reset Settings/Format FS
- Reset FRP

- Base
Loader database updated
ModelFinder updated
Bugfixes and minor changes

Flash Engine updated
Updated loader database
Nk 2.3 support activated in standalone mode

SVC engine updated
Nk 220 4G support activated ( partial )
UserCode reading revised
Identify revised

- Support
New firmware for supported models can be found in the support area
New drivers for 105/110/220 can be found at the support area


First download tool from below links
Extract tool on c: drive (ensure no space between name)
Now Open the folder and run Loader as admin.

Once the program is executed you can now use this tool.
no need for activation, keygen, HWID
I have note tested the tool please check and comment below



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