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ClassyKitchen For Android ROMs Development V1.0.4

3 min read
A new C++ Windows application that based on ASSAYYED KITCHEN to deal with most of the android ROMs (stock images, stock updates, running device ..... etc)

In addition to built-in apktool to easily decompile & recompile apk in the PROJECT

And with a friendly user interface with full mouse control just one click.

With static build feature and a new built-in windows tools feature (hex dump) that makes the whole working environment into one exe file only.

Features ClassyKitchen: 

ROM editor features:

1 - Supported ROMs type for extract:

Any stock system[lz4] & boot[lz4] [cache | odm] images
All Samsung stock firmware (TAR[.MD5]) with support for LZ4 compress
All Google stock firmware (ZIP)
All Lineage stock ROMs (system.new.dat[br] & vendor - payload.bin)
Any other images dumped from other stock ROMs (Huawei - HTC.....etc)
Rooted device OR custom recovery (*With technology to dump boot & system & vendor images without need a space on device*)

2 - Supported ROM edits:

Pre-remove for Samsung RMM security
DeOdex for android [4.x.x] till [9.x.x]
zipalign for all APKs & JARs
Heavy DeBloat ROM with Re-Bloat
Full DeKnox ROM
Clean ROM from all CSC apks(in Samsung ROMs)
Support safe and powerful Build. prop tweaks
Support change Build Number text
Support add busybox into the ROM itself with all available symlinks in the image

3 - Supported ROM build:

ZIP ROM contains sparse system [vendor & odm] dat
ZIP ROM for custom recovery flashing
ZIP images ROM for fastboot flashing
TAR images ROM for Samsung devices
Support compress Samsung images with original LZ4 format

4 - Supported boot image edits:

Support all boot images partitions names other than boot.img
Remove dm-verity with AVB & ForceEncryption
Enable ADB
Patch policy (supports CIL) to supported deodexed Oreo
Add / Remove Magisk Root to boot image directly in windows
Support patch boot image to run scripts during boot that placed in /system/smart_scripts

5 - Supported Apktool:

Decompile single apk
Recompile single apk
Sign single apk
Support option to specify [New | Original] apk signature
Support use custom apktool.jar selected by the user
Support Decompile - Recompile multi APKs at the same time
Support Decompile - Recompile JAR files (Support multi classes files)

6 - Supported On Device Features:

Support dump full device memory using (ADB root) - supported (EMMC & UFS) Without the need for any space on device
Support dump specified partitions from device using (ADB root) - (List to the user and pick needed partitions)

General Features:

Quite a simple user interface
Very safe when working with images ROM for files [modes, gid, uid, contexts, capabilities]
Read the exact EXT4 [symbolic links, full permissions] and re-apply them when building
Write full permissions for [fs_config, contexts, capabilities] when building an EXT4 image or in [updater-script]
Support fix the case sensitive problems with ROMs like (Samsung S8 / S8+)
Support save the project and restore it when needing
Support [Added edits log] to allow the user to see all edits he made
Support add custom text during flash in recovery
Support save the system image and [odm] image sizes to rebuild them using the exact original size
Support allows the user to change the build configs (size, sparse header, images ext)
Support custom debloat list
Support more than one connected ADB device and list them to the user to pick one to pull ROM from

Pro Version:

The kitchen has two versions Free & Pro
And the Pro version requiring a small donation (20$) and it needs an authenticating code to run it on a specified PC,
If anyone needs to use it just download and run then send to me the output code with a transaction ID to send the activation code that matches the given code.
NOTE: The Pro version is to support my work only, and the Free version is enough to create a full modded flashable ROM
- The following features are only available in the Pro version:
All On Device Features
Pull ROM from Rooted device or custom recovery
Change Build Number text
Build TAR images ROM for Samsung devices
Build ZIP images ROM for fastboot flashing
Add Magisk Root to boot image directly in Windows
Patch boot image to run a script during boot
Decompile - Recompile multi APKs at the same time
Manual DeBloat as user wants



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