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MTK Bypass v1.0 Free Download

1 min read
In this article, we will share with you the latest tool to Bypass MTK Auth, remote unlock and unlock many models available in the tool. This tool is easy to use, doesn't need any information, you just need to download, install and use.


LIB USB Compete install all latest drivers - the need for bypassing auth login
DRIVERS - In this section, you have an install all mobile needed MTK Drivers (if you previously install any driver then please complete uninstall and run this driver for installation)
RADMIN VPN - VPN Need for remote computer and unlocking phone. many countries have block access. the VPN is allowed to unblock that country access and unlock the phone.
NOTEPAD - It's needed when you access client computer and copy information on Notepad.
Device Manager - Check Device Connect or not from direct one-click access.
USB OVER - USB Sharing software is helping to share your Dongle box or mobile port sharing on the remote computer.
USB Redirector - USB Redirector allows to use of shared USB devices remotely through a local network, WLAN or Internet, just as if they were attached to your computer directly! USB Redirector provides a quick resolution of your remote USB needs! It can act as both a USB server and USB client, as well as there is a separate light-weight FREE client available. USB Redirector uses a regular TCP / IP connection for communication.


1. Download the tool
2. After downloading, extract it
3. Open the tool with Admin rights
4. Install the required drivers
5. Click the Bypass icon like the button
6. Connect the phone and done


Size: 60.2 MB

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